- Code of Conduct
- Attendance
- For Parents
1. Observe and follow polite manners.
2. Be modest and cultured in your behaviour.
3. Always rise and greet elders respectfully.
4. Always be ready to lend a helping hand to others.
5. Accept whatever work is assigned to you as your rightful share.
6. Be truthful and face difficulties courageously.
7. Never cheat or be unfair to others.
8. Respect the liberty and rights of others.
9. See all fellow beings with the eyes of a friend, irrespective of caste, colour, gender, creed and maintain fraternity.
10. Instead of lamenting and grumbling over the evils of the world, you should try to contribute your share in making it a better place to live in.
11. Never hesitate to say "No" when asked or tempted to do a thing which you know to be wrong.
12. Take pride in wearing your school uniform and strive to keep it neat and tidy.
13. Never wear "Low Waist" trousers.
- Minimum attendance required to be eligible to appear for the promotion examination is: Class PPI - VIII - 80%, Class IX - XII - 75%
- If pupils, for some unexplained reasons, are absent from school for more than a fortnight (2 weeks) their names will be struck off the rolls, and as a rule they are not re-admitted. In case they are readmitted, they will have to pay the re-admission fee.
- Leave of absence may be granted to a pupil for sufficient cause but only on prior application, for which space is provided in the manual. As a rule not more than 2 days leave of absence is granted at a time.
- If a pupil is absent due to illness or any other reason the Principal must be informed immediately and the pupil, on returning to school, must get in writing from the parents / guardians, the reason for absence on the special page provided in the manual. In case of illness a medical certificate is essential.
- Attendance on the first day after holidays and on the last day before holidays is compulsory. Absentees could be fined as seen appropriate.
- Parents requesting early leave for pupils must send a request on the "Leave of Absence" page, with the reason and the time of leave clearly mentioned.
- Parents are requested not to ask children to come away from school before the school closes for the day. Half day leave will not be granted on the days of assessment.
- It may be noted that children will not be sent home in an emergency with anyone who might come for them during school hours, without a written request from the Parent or Guardian.
- The school authorities will not be responsible for anything happening to a student of any class before or after school hours and outside the School premises.
- Parents/Guardians must take this matter with some seriousness and see to it that their child/ward comes to school on time and reaches home soon after classes are over.
- Permission for leave (half day / long leave) from the Principal/ supervisor should be taken immediately after the assembly.
In order to secure the best in education for your children, maximum co-operation between parents and school authorities is desirable.
1. Parents / Guardians should look into their children's school manual every day and see that the home work assigned for the next day is done.
2. Parents and Guardians, must help the school authorities in moulding the character of their children. They are, therefore most earnestly requested to see:
* That the rules of the school are carefully observed by their children.
* That their children come to school regularly, be punctual and neatly dressed.
* That they insist their children to devote at least two hours every day for their studies.
* That they examine the record of attendance, conduct and application and any other remark in their child's school manual and sign against it.
3. Visiting students or teachers during school hours is strictly forbidden. Permission is to be obtained from the Principal. Parents can meet the teachers on Saturday between 12:40 and 1:00 pm.
4. The school accepts no responsibility if a student is obliged to return home during class hours for failure to comply with school regulation.
5. A student found guilty of breaking school regulations or committing any act of indiscipline is liable to be punished at the discretion of the Principal.
6. The engagement of private tutors, whether of the school staff or otherwise is not recommended as it is injurious to proper study. It should not be done except in consultation with the Principal.
7. Failure of parents to co-operate with the school authorities in the education and discipline of their children in school may necessitate the removal of the child from school.
8. Parents should not send valuable articles with their wards as the school will not take responsibility if these articles are lost.
9. Parents are required to attend the parent teacher meetings (PTM) as per the schedule finalised by the Principal. Students must come with their manual for the same.
10. Parents must inform the school, if there is any change in address or phone number through a written application.
11. Parents may provide 2 wheeler motor vehicles to their children only when they are of age and should also insist on their wearing helmets.
12. As your children advance in age, guide them to become resourceful and useful members of both home and country. Encourage self-help in work and study. The formation of good work habits early in life inculcates in children the idea of dignity of work, a fundamental personal virtue for a successful career in life.
N.B.: Additional rules may be imposed from time to time as required.