For admission to Class Nursery (2024-25) the child should have completed three years of age by 31st March 2024.
New pupils must be introduced personally by the parents or guardians who will be responsible to the principal for their regularity of attendance and payment of fees.
A pupil who fails to take his Transfer Certificate (T.C.) within a year of his leaving school, will be levied a search fee. An amount will be charged also for duplicated copy or any extract from the school register.
The management has the right of say on what condition they will admit or retain pupils in the school, in conformity with the instructions issued by the CGBSE.
In case of withdrawal of a student from the school, parents should apply through the form available in the School Manual. Parents should ensure that all dues are cleared.
The examination rules for the session 2024-25 at different levels will be as follows:
Pre Primary Classes During the entire session there will be two evaluations, comprising of written tests, orals, activities and assignments.
Primary Classes At this level the session will comprise of two terms. Each term will have two tests and one exam. There will also be orals and assignments.
High and Higher Secondary School (IX – XII) All the Classes will follow pattern of CGBSE.